Current Trials

CM6121 UTI Vaccine

 Various Metro GP Clinics

E. Coli Vaccine for 60+ year olds with a history of UTI, Register your interest now!

E. Coli is a leading cause of UTIs and other infections in elderly populations. People aged 60 years or older hith a history of UTI are at an increased risk of developing a bloodstream infection caused by E. Colin bacteria.

This investigational vaccine aims to prevent these infections in elderly people.

Eligibility requirements

  • Age: 60+
  • Sex: Males & Females
  • Medication: No systemic corticosteroids (inhaled/topical allowed)
  • Medical History: – Have had a UTI in the past 2 years – Stable chronic disease permitted

Outpatient Visits

  • 2 visits within 30 days, and 6 telephone calls over 3 years


  • $340 per visit (post-eligibility)

How to apply

Applications for this study are now closed. Please visit our list of current trials available.