CM9220 Treatment for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Recruitment for this trial is closed)
Dr Jones and Partners Clinical Research + Imaging Centre SAHMRI, North Terrace
This clinical study will trial a potential treatment for mild traumatic brain injuries and we need healthy people aged 18-45 to participate.

Eligibility requirements
- Age: 18-45 years inclusive
- Sex: Males and females
- BMI: 19-28 kg/m2
- Weight: 50kg – 120 kg inclusive
- Medication: Agree not to use prescription medications (except for birth control), over the counter (OTC) medications (including corticosteroids, aspirin, pain medications, decongestants, antihistamines) and herbal medication (including St. John’s Wort) within 14 days prior to clinical trial and for the duration of the study
- Medical History: Nil history of seizures or epilepsy within the past 5 years, moderate to severe traumatic brain injury or concussion within the past 1 year.
- Smoking History: Non-Smoker within 3 months prior to start of trial
Overnight Stays
- Nil
Outpatient Visits
- 2 visits and 1 telephone call
- 730.00